University of California, Merced Campus Phase 6 & 2020 Project
Live Oak Associates provided ecological services that permitted the University of California to construct Phase 6 of the UC Merced Campus. Phase 6 entailed site preparation and initial infrastructure development across approximately 1,500 acres of the project site.
Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit
Live Oak Associates is part of the Project Management Team for Valley Water (formerly Santa Clara Valley Water District) on the Seismic Retrofit Project for Anderson Dam, the single largest capital improvement project in Valley Water’s history.
Communications Hill, San Jose
Live Oak Associates has provided biological services for Communications Hill in San Jose since 2001 to the present.
City of Fresno Raw Water Pipeline
Live Oak Associates completed a rare plant survey, addendum to delineation of waters of the United States, preparation of a Biological Assessment, agency permits, and miscellaneous consulting services.
California High Speed Rail – Merced to Fresno PP1 Segment
Live Oak Associates provided expert permitting consulting experience to the Regional Consultant Team (CH2MHILL/AECOM) to prepare supporting materials for the 2081 Incidental Take Permit Application for the 24.1 mile Merced to Fresno PP1 segment of the California High Speed Rail.
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