City of Fresno Raw Water Pipeline

Live Oak Associates completed a rare plant survey, addendum to delineation of waters of the United States, preparation of a Biological Assessment, agency permits, and miscellaneous consulting services.

Live Oak Associates also implemented, and monitored compliance with, provisions of various permits and environmental documents, including a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion issued to the Bureau of Reclamation for the California tiger salamander and vernal pool fairy shrimp, a California Department of Fish and Wildlife Section 2081 Incidental Take Permit for the CTS, a Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement, and a Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Plan pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Specific tasks included preconstruction surveys for special status species including CTS, San Joaquin kit fox, burrowing owl, Swainson’s Hawk, and nesting birds, establishment of suitable construction-free buffers for sensitive resources, excavation of rodent burrows within portions of the project area, relocation of any CTS found in the project area per the provisions of an approved CTS salvage and relocation plan, construction monitoring, and environmental awareness training for construction personnel. Also developed habitat impact updates for submittal to the Bureau of Reclamation, and quarter reports for CDFW.



City of Fresno, Department of Public Utilities, Water Division


Fresno County



Project Description

Development of a 4.6-mile underground pipeline with an above ground connection to the Friant-Kern Canal and an underground connection to the existing City of Fresno Surface Water Treatment Facility near the intersection of Willow and Copper Avenues.


Communications Hill, San Jose


Magee Preserve