Kern Fan Recharge Site
From 2004 to present, Live Oak Associates developed a special habitat management plan for the federally endangered Buena Vista Lake shrew on the Kern Fan Water Recharge Area, a 2,800-acre area owned and managed by the City of Bakersfield in Kern County.
Maricopa Sun
Live Oak Associates has completed annual Tier 1 and 2 surveys for San Joaquin kit fox, Tipton’s kangaroo rat, burrowing owl, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, birds, and vegetation for all sites.
Kennedy Table Conservation Bank
Live Oak Associates assisted the client in establishing a federally approved (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) conservation bank on a 600-acre site on Kennedy Table, Madera County.
Wistaria Ranch Solar Energy Center
Live Oak Associates assisted Wistaria Ranch Solar, LLC from 2013 to 2014 in addressing landscape scale conservation questions related to burrowing owl and the development of several thousand acres of farmland in the Imperial Valley for adoption into the EIR that was being prepared for the project.
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