Robert Shields
Field Manager
Since launching his wildlife biology career in 2009, Robert has logged thousands of hours in the field and has acquired broad experience with a wide variety of species and survey techniques.
A veteran field biologist, Robert has surveyed, monitored, and handled numerous wildlife species, many of which have special legal protections. A particular focus for Robert is avian biology; he has led over 1,400 bird surveys, and is familiar with all potential nesting species in California. He has conducted protocol surveys for the Swainson’s hawk, least Bell’s vireo, and burrowing owl, has participated in many burrowing owl passive relocation efforts, and has tracked and mapped golden eagle breeding territories. Robert also has specialized experience with the California tiger salamander and Tipton kangaroo rat and is eligible to obtain permits for their capture and handling. He has performed numerous camera-trap surveys for the San Joaquin kit fox, and is a level II surveyor for the blunt-nosed leopard lizard. Other special status species experience includes the California red-legged frog, foothill yellow-legged frog, Pacific giant salamander, giant garter snake, and coast horned lizard. Robert is familiar with bat acoustic survey techniques, and has conducted numerous such surveys at buildings, trees, and bridges. He has handled many small mammal species, both protected and common.
To his role as Field Manager, Robert brings not only his extensive species expertise, but a conscientious work ethic, leadership skills, and attention to detail. For any given project, he ensures tasks are completed in accordance with the regulatory permits and as specified by the client. He serves as a liaison between regulatory agencies and construction personnel, and regularly prepares survey and monitoring reports.
Robert’s contributions to wildlife research and conservation extend well past the workday. In his free time, he leads birding field trips, gives lectures on various focal species, and teaches wildlife-themed courses and workshops. He has volunteered extensively on bat research projects in the U.S. and Mexico, capturing, handling, and radio-tracking various species. He is also an accomplished wildlife photographer.
• De Anza College, Liberal Arts, AA, 1988 Additional studies in Environmental Studies 2009- 2010
• California State University, San Jose, CA, Studio Practice Arts Photography (incomplete), 1988-1990
• De Anza College, Environmental Studies courses 2009-2010
Ecology of California birds, amphibians, reptiles and bats, wildlife surveys, mortality surveys of birds, bats, amphibians, burrowing owl surveys, raptor breeding habitat studies.
• On-call Field Ecologist, Live Oak Associates, Inc. 2010-2012 & 2015-present
• Field Biologist 2, H.T. Harvey & Associates, Los Gatos, CA, 2012-2015
• On-call Field Biologist, H.T. Harvey & Associates, Los Gatos, CA 2009-2012
• Riparian Bird Workshop 2019, Central Coast Chapter of TWS
• Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Workshop 2018, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
• Vernal Pool Symposium, 2017, Sacramento Shasta Chapter of TWS
• Tri-colored Blackbird Workshop, 2016, Sacramento Shasta Chapter of TWS
• Giant Garter Snake Workshop, 2016, Sacramento Shasta Chapter of TWS
• Rare Pond Species Survey Techniques Workshop, CTS CRLF WPT, 2016 Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
• California Tiger Salamander Workshop, 2015, Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program
• Attendance at Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan Training, Habitat Agency, Morgan Hill, CA, 2015
• Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander Workshop, 2010, Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program
• Small Mammal Trapping Workshop, 2011, Fresno Audubon- Howard Clark
• San Joaquin Kit Fox Workshop, 2010, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, TWS
• Bat Escape Ramp Workshop, 2009, Alameda County Resource Partnership
• Burrowing Owl Consortium, 2011 - present
• California Rangeland Conservation Coalition, 2009-2011
• California Connectivity Forum, 2010, UC Davis Road Ecology Center
• Bay Area Critical Linkages, 2010, SC Wildlands Palo Alto & Berkeley
Robert enjoys birdwatching, wildlife tracking, and wildlife photography. He loves to hike the various ecosystems in California and research the creatures who live there. Robert is a frequent wildlife lecturer for herpetological societies, birding groups, tropical fish organizations and Universities. He is also a field instructor for a Herpetology course at U.C. Merced.
“My work takes me into areas where I get to observe native animals in their habitat. I feel honored to be able to assist in their protection. The team at Live Oak supports each other and all feel strongly about the protection of ecosystems and the plants and animals that live within them.”