Mendota Pool Bypass & Reach 2B Channel Improvements - San Joaquin River Restoration Program
Live Oak Associates conducted protocol-level Fresno kangaroo rat trapping surveys to inform preparation of the project’s EIS/R and permit applications in 2016, and lead a team of consultants tasked with conducting biological pre-construction surveys and biological monitoring during project construction in 2020-2021.
Magee Preserve
Live Oak Associates has conducted all relevant biological surveys and reports on this project since its inception in 2010.
Pier Fire Special Status Species Study
Live Oak Associates conducted a three-year study of special status plant and animal species occurrence within 8,730 acres of wildlands on the Tule River Indian Reservation that burned during the 2017 Pier Fire.
Westlands Solar Park Master Plan
Live Oak Associates conducted multiple spring and summer surveys for the planned development of large scale photo-voltaic solar energy projects within the approximately 21,000-acre Plan Area.
Cutler-Orosi Community Plan Update
Live Oak Associates completed an investigation of the biotic resources of the project area and prepared a biological evaluation which evaluated project impacts that would result from updates to the community plan, per provisions of CEQA.
Tahoe Donner Association Nature Loop Trail Improvement
Live Oak Associates completed an investigation of the biotic resources of the project area and prepared a biological assessment which evaluated project impacts that would result from impacts of the project, per provisions of the Federal Endangered Species Act.
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